Feb. 18, 2013. Multilingual Playgroup / 2月18日「多言語子育てひろば」

Our Upcoming Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday, Feb. 18, 2013.
(We will hold it on the third Monday this time instead of the second Monday due to the national holiday.)
Everyone is welcome. Feel free to join us! 


Mon. Feb. 18, 2013 / 2013年2月18日(月)10:30-11:30
Hokkori Heart Demachi /ほっこりはあと 出町 (map)
Program /プログラム
*10:30-10:40 Free play time /自由遊び
*10:40-10:50 Sing-along time "Hello to All the Children of the World"/歌の時間
*10:50-11:20 Free talk "Maternal and Child Health Handbooks (Boshi-techo) from around  the world"/おしゃべり「出産と世界の母子手帳」
*11:20-11:30 Counting Time/世界のことばで10までかぞえてみよう!       
*Story Time/絵本の時間

The topic of chatting is "Maternal and Child Health Handbooks from around the world”. Many kinds of "MCH Handbooks" from different countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya and Thailand etc. will be displayed. Let's talk about them! /世界の母子手帳を展示します。世界各国のユニークな母子手帳を見ながら、楽しくおしゃべりしましょう。