Multilingual Playgroup Report (Apr.8, 2013) / 4月8日多言語子育てひろばを開催しました
On April 8, 2013, Jafore's Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi.
37 people from Korea, Indonesia, Costa Rica and Japan participated. Some of new guests joined our program, by reading the article in the Kyoto shinbun newspaper written about us!
What we did…
*Free play time
*Singing time "Hello to All the Children of the World"
*Free talk "School textbooks", "Costa Rica"
*Counting from one to ten in Spanish
*Story time " Renato " and " 강아지똥 "
We started our program with singing our usual theme song "Hello to all the children of the world". As a special guest, an exchange student from Costa Rica introduced his country. He will study at a high school in Kyoto from April, staying for ten months. Costa Rica, known as one of the eco tourism countries, is a small country with a population of four million population in central America. The origin of the country's name is "Rich Coast" (Costa=beach, Rica=rich).
The topic of chatting for the day was "Textbooks in the world". We brought a variety of elementary school textbooks. All public elementary schools in the city of Kyoto use the same textbooks. In Japan, each municipality selects from among many textbooks authorized by the Ministry of education, while each school uses different textbooks in other countries. The first grade's Japanese textbook can be a good textbook for Japanese learners from overseas!
We learned how to count from 1 to 10 in Spanish from the student from Costa Rica.
At story time, we had two stories. " Renato " in Spanish, and " 강아지똥 " in Korean.
The next multilingual playgroup will be held on Monday, May 13th, at Hokkori Heart Demachi. We look forward to seeing you again.
“Hello to all the Children of the World”をみんなで歌った後は、コスタリカから日本に留学している学生さんが英語で自己紹介とコスタリカの紹介をしてくださいました。今月からおよそ10ヶ月間、京都市内の高校で勉強するそうです。エコ・ツーリズムが盛んな国として近年世界から注目を集めているコスタリカは、中米にある人口400万人の小さな国で、国の名前は「豊かな海岸」(Costa=ビーチ、Rica=豊かな)に由来しています。