Multilingual Playgroup Report (July 8, 2013) / 7月8日多言語子育てひろばを開催しました
On July 8th, 2013, Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi. 46 people from China, America and Japan participated.
That day, staffs of free paper call "hotpot" visited us for coverage. Jafore's activities will appear in the next issue.
We did...
* Free play time
* Singing time " Hello to All the Children of the World "
* Short lecture about "Child-rearing in Canada and Japan."
* Counting from one to ten in Indonesian language
* Story time (Taiwanese book)
We sang our theme song "Hello to All the Children of the World " at the opening. The lyrics of this song contains "Hello" in nine languages.
Then, Ms. Takayanagi gave a short lecture about child-rearing in Canada and Japan. She talked about nanny and babysitter which is not very common to Japanese mothers. In Japan, babysitting has the image of being too expensive for frequent use, and culturally unfamiliar. Many participants took a great deal of interest in her stories.
* Story time (Taiwanese book)
We sang our theme song "Hello to All the Children of the World " at the opening. The lyrics of this song contains "Hello" in nine languages.
Then, Ms. Takayanagi gave a short lecture about child-rearing in Canada and Japan. She talked about nanny and babysitter which is not very common to Japanese mothers. In Japan, babysitting has the image of being too expensive for frequent use, and culturally unfamiliar. Many participants took a great deal of interest in her stories.
In story time, Zuo Ping-san read Taiwanese story book "媽媽在那裡?(Where is Mama?)"
The next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday, September 9th from 10:30 at Hokkori Heart Demachi. We're looking forward to seeing you again. Have a nice summer vacation !
2013年7月8日、ほっこりはあと出町で「 多言語子育てひろば」を開催しました。
まずは、恒例のテーマソング“Hello to all the Children of the World”を歌いました。9つの言語で「こんにちは」 が歌詞に入っています。
その後、「京都市未来まちづくり委員会」( 外国人にとって住みやすいまち・京都 チーム)(同ホームページ→ project16.html)とのコラボレーション企画。
日本の子育ての常識にとらわれて、 落ち込んだりしなくてもいいのかな・・・ と少し気が楽になりました。
絵本の時間は、中国のZuo Pingさんに台湾の絵本「媽媽在那裡?」 を読んで頂きました。中国語の「カタカタ」「トントン」「ガチッ」など、 音が面白いのか子ども達も集まって聞いていました。
8月は、「多言語子育てひろば」はお休みとなります。次回の「多言語子育てひろば」は、9月9日(月)10:30-です。 ほっこりはあと出町でお待ちしています!