Nov. 10 Multilingual Playgroup Report / 11月10日(月)多言語子育てひろば を開催しました

On November 10, 2014, Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi. 38 participants from Indonesia, Mauritius and Japan enjoyed chatting and information exchange.

This time, NHK Kyoto came to our playgroup with camera for shooting!!

We sang the song "Hello to All the Children of the World" first. This song include "Hello" in 9 languages.

Hongo Motokuni san, the founder of Manabiai PROJECT, gave us a talk about his education support activities in Philippines. We looked at many photos with beaming face. Participants were impressed by his story and acting power.

Then, we counted one to ten in Arabic language. Mother from Mauritius showed us how to count one to ten.

In story time, Aulia san from Indonesia read an English book "Glad Monster, Sad Monster." This book teaches about emotions and the things that can trigger them through this colorful and interactive book.

Next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday, December 8.
We're looking forward to seeing you again.







絵本の時間には、インドネシア出身のアウリアさんが英語の絵本、「Glad Monster, Sad Monster」を読んでくださいました。
