Mon. April 13 Multilingual Playgroup Report / 4月13日(月)多言語子育てひろば を開催しました

 On Monday April 13, 2015, Jafore's Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi.

20 participants from Indonesia and Afghanistan, Malaysia, and Japan enjoyed chatting.

We sang the song "Hello to All the Children of the World" first. This song include "Hello" in 9 languages.

Then, Sugimoto-san, a member of "Yasashii Nihongo Yuushi no Kai, (Simple Japanese Class)" introduced us some Japanese classes in Kyoto. There are classes that you can study Japanese with childcare too.

Also we learned some tips when we talk with people who is studying Japanese. It is difficult for non Japanese speaking people to understand onomatopoeia. Use short sentence, use basic word, avoid using dialect, are some of the tips we learned.

Then, we counted one to ten in Indonesian and Afghanistan language.

In story time, we read a English book call "Ten Little Ladybugs." Yuko-san shared her favorite book for us. We counted the ladybugs together in many different languages.

Next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday, May 11, 2015.
You will have a chance to learn about "Disaster Prevention."
We're looking forward to seeing you again.






絵本は、「 Ten Little Ladybugs」というテントウムシのお話を優子さんにしていただきました。テントウムシを数える時には、いろんな国言葉で、参加者みんなで数を数えました。
