Multilingual Playgroup Report on July 13, 2015 / 7/13多言語子育てひろばを開催しました
On Monday July 13th, 2015, Jafore's Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi.
46 participants from France, United States, Congo, and Japan enjoyed chatting and information exchange.
First we sang a song "Hello to All the Children of the World". This song includes "Hello" in 9 languages.
Then we had a ‘book recommendation time’. Many picture books in different languages were displayed in the room. David-san from U.S. suggested us some cute and interesting picture books that his daughter loves, and gave us tips on reading to little kids. After that we had time to take a look at these books. Some of the kids seemed to be enjoying the books.
After a book sharing time, we had a counting time. Sarah-san from France who is a half Turkish, taught us how to count from 1 through 10 in Turkish. Everyone tried hard to pronounce Turkish numbers.
In story time, David-san read a book called ‘Fox in Socks’ written by Dr. Seuss, one of the most famous authors. It has a lot of rhyming and sounds funny. We all enjoyed the rhyming and silly pictures.
We don’t have a gathering in August and next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday, September 14th, from 10:30 at Hokkori Heart Demachi.
絵本の時間には、再びデービッドさんに登場で、Fox in Socksという有名な著者による絵本を読んでいただきました。たくさん韻を踏んだ絵本でとても長いですが、独特のリズムと楽しい絵を楽しめました。