Mon. Nov. 9, 2015 Multilingual Playgroup Report / 11月9日(月)多言語子育てひろばを開催しました

On Monday, 9th of November, 2015, Jafore's Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi.

35 participants from Indonesia, France, United States of America and Japan enjoyed chatting and information exchange.

We sang a song "Hello to All the Children of the World" first. This song include "Hello" in 9 languages.

Then we had a chatting time and our theme this time was "Work-Family Balance". We talked about child-care, work, family, etc. We shared our experiences, plan, country situation each other and it had a lot of useful information. We all enjoyed.

After that, we had a counting time. David-san from USA (born in Portugal) and Sarah-san from France taught us how to count from 1 through 10 in Portuguese and French. Everyone tried hard and enjoyed pronunciation of Portuguese and French numbers.

In story time, Tyas-san from Indonesia read Indonesian book “Aku Sayang Ibu (I Love Mummy)”. It was very heartwarming story, and we enjoyed Indonesian pronunciation.

Next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday December 14th, from 10:30 at Hokkori Heart Demachi. We're looking forward to seeing you again!




絵本の時間には、インドネシア出身のティアスさんが、インドネシア語の「Aku Sayang Ibu」という絵本を読んでくださいました。題名の意味は「I Love Mummy(おかあさんだいすき)」。とてもあたたかい気持ちになる絵本をみんなで楽しみました。


*Reported by Emiko