【Upcoming】 Multilingaul Playgroup on Monday, May 9th, 2016. / 5月9日月曜日「多言語子育てひろば」を開催します
Upcoming Multilingual Playgroup is on Monday, May 9th , 2016.
Come out and join us for a great time and meet some new friends too!
Date and time: Monday, May 9th, 2016. 10:30-11:30
Place: Hokkori Heart Demachi (map)
10:30-10:40 Free play time
10:40-10:50 Sing-along time "Hello to All the Children of the World"
10:50-11:20 Kazuki Takahashi san, COO & Co-Founder, Flamingo Inc,. is going to talk about "Flamingo* - Teach and Enjoy Life in Japan."
11:20-11:30 1-10 Counting Time and Story time
*They are aiming for realization of multicultural society in Japan, and as a first step, they are giving people opportunities of learning foreign languages. The Flamingo for iOS, is a location-based matching application that let people being able to teach their own languages to people at a cafe.
日時: 2016年5月9日(月)10:30-11:30
場所: ほっこりはあと 出町 (map)
10:30-10:40 じゆうあそび
10:40-10:50 うたのじかん "Hello to All the Children of the World"
10:50-11:20 Flamingo*の高橋一生さんが、「Flamingoのサービスや想い」についてお話しします!
11:20-11:30 1から10までかぞえてみよう! えほんのじかん
Come out and join us for a great time and meet some new friends too!
Place: Hokkori Heart Demachi (map)
10:30-10:40 Free play time
10:40-10:50 Sing-along time "Hello to All the Children of the World"
10:50-11:20 Kazuki Takahashi san, COO & Co-Founder, Flamingo Inc,. is going to talk about "Flamingo* - Teach and Enjoy Life in Japan."
11:20-11:30 1-10 Counting Time and Story time
*They are aiming for realization of multicultural society in Japan, and as a first step, they are giving people opportunities of learning foreign languages. The Flamingo for iOS, is a location-based matching application that let people being able to teach their own languages to people at a cafe.
日時: 2016年5月9日(月)10:30-11:30
場所: ほっこりはあと 出町 (map)
10:30-10:40 じゆうあそび
10:40-10:50 うたのじかん "Hello to All the Children of the World"
10:50-11:20 Flamingo*の高橋一生さんが、「Flamingoのサービスや想い」についてお話しします!
11:20-11:30 1から10までかぞえてみよう! えほんのじかん