【Report】 April 11th, 2016 Multilingual Playgroup / 4月11日(月)多言語子育てひろば を開催しました

On Monday April 11th, 2016, Jafore's Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi. 26 participants from Indonesia, Afghanistan, America, Philippine, and Japan enjoyed chatting and information exchange.

We sang the song "Hello to All the Children of the World" first. This song include "Hello" in 9 languages.

This time we had "Multilingual and World Picture Books Exhibition." We enjoyed children's books from all over the world, English, Italian, Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, Finnish, Japanese and more.

Then, we counted one to ten in several languages. Mothers form Philippine, Indonesia, Afghanistan taught us.

In story time, mother from Philippines read an English book "Dear Zoo." Salamat!

Next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday, May 9, 2016. We're looking forward to seeing you again.






絵本の時間には、フィリピン出身のお母さんが英語の絵本、「Dear Zoo」を読んでくださいました。
