【Report】 June 13th, 2016 Multilingual Playgroup / 6月13日(月)多言語子育てひろば を開催しました
On Monday, 13th of June, 2016, Jafore's Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi.
16 participants from Philippine, America, Korea, and Japan enjoyed chatting and information exchange.
We sang a song "Hello to All the Children of the World" first. This song include "Hello" in 9 languages.
This time, we made a map of "Favorite Mizuasobi-ba (Water Playground) in Kyoto". Participants introduced and recommended their favorite water playground in Kyoto. It was very useful to exchange information each other. Kyoto Gyoen Kyoto imperial Palace (Demizu no Ogawa), Takaragaike Koen Park (Kodomo no Rakuen Park), Kamogawa River (Demachi Yanagi), and Ashiu Forest Research Station in Miyama, and more.
After that, we had a counting time. A Chang sensei from Shugakuin Hoikusho taught us how to count from 1 through 10 in Korean language. Everyone tried hard and enjoyed pronunciation of Korean numbers.
In story time, student volunteer from Doshisha university read a Japanese book "Mawaru Osushi (Sushi boats)". From Children to adults were very excited about Kaiten-sushi story.
Next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday July 11th 2016, from 10:30 at Hokkori Heart Demachi. We're looking forward to seeing you again!
次に、今回のテーマ「おすすめ水遊び場 in Kyoto」について情報交換しました。おすすめ水遊び場の写真を見ながら地図で場所を確認しあったり、付箋に知っている場所を書いて地図に貼ったりしながらマップを作成しました。「出水の小川(京都御苑)」、「こどもの楽園(宝ヶ池)」、「出町柳デルタ(鴨川)」や「森林ステーション芦生研究林(美山)」など、定番から新情報までさまざまなおすすめの水遊び場所を皆で共有しました。
16 participants from Philippine, America, Korea, and Japan enjoyed chatting and information exchange.
We sang a song "Hello to All the Children of the World" first. This song include "Hello" in 9 languages.
This time, we made a map of "Favorite Mizuasobi-ba (Water Playground) in Kyoto". Participants introduced and recommended their favorite water playground in Kyoto. It was very useful to exchange information each other. Kyoto Gyoen Kyoto imperial Palace (Demizu no Ogawa), Takaragaike Koen Park (Kodomo no Rakuen Park), Kamogawa River (Demachi Yanagi), and Ashiu Forest Research Station in Miyama, and more.
After that, we had a counting time. A Chang sensei from Shugakuin Hoikusho taught us how to count from 1 through 10 in Korean language. Everyone tried hard and enjoyed pronunciation of Korean numbers.
In story time, student volunteer from Doshisha university read a Japanese book "Mawaru Osushi (Sushi boats)". From Children to adults were very excited about Kaiten-sushi story.
Next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday July 11th 2016, from 10:30 at Hokkori Heart Demachi. We're looking forward to seeing you again!
次に、今回のテーマ「おすすめ水遊び場 in Kyoto」について情報交換しました。おすすめ水遊び場の写真を見ながら地図で場所を確認しあったり、付箋に知っている場所を書いて地図に貼ったりしながらマップを作成しました。「出水の小川(京都御苑)」、「こどもの楽園(宝ヶ池)」、「出町柳デルタ(鴨川)」や「森林ステーション芦生研究林(美山)」など、定番から新情報までさまざまなおすすめの水遊び場所を皆で共有しました。