【Report】 December 12, 2016 Multilingual Playgroup / 12月12日(月)多言語子育てひろばを開催しました

On Monday, December 12, 2016, Jafore's Multilingual Playgroup was held at Hokkori Heart Demachi.

11 people from Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan participated in the event where we enjoyed chatting and information exchange.

This time, we shared information on Illuminations and Christmas Lights in Kyoto. Sansan-san from Taiwan and Michaela-san from Philippine shared their country's illumination information with pics too. In Philippine, they start decorating town from end of September and people can enjoy illumination until February. We thought it interesting that kids wearing short-sleeve shirt are with Santa Claus and Christmas tree.

Here is the name of places, the participant recommended.

ROHM, KYOSERA, Kitayam Wedding Street, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Arashiyama, Kyoto Station Building, Kodaiji Temple, Doshisha University,TWINKLE JOYO (Joyo City), Kyoto Notre Dame University, Botanical garden, Oto Kindergarten, Heian Jogakuin University.

Jafore fans picked ”Top 3 Kyoto Christmas Lights (Local version).” 
1. Doshisha University
2. Kyoto Notre Dame University
3. Oto Kindergarten

Visiting university illumination with children might be a nice idea since it is not crowded.

During the storytime, Michaela san and Megumi read a book titled “The Mitten.” After a man accidentally drops his mitten in the forest it becomes an object of curiosity for a mole, a rabbit, a badger, a tiny brown mouse, a big brown bear, and others, as they all crawl into it.

The next Multilingual Playgroup will be held on Monday, February 13, 2017.
There are gathering on January.
We look forward to seeing you again!



ローム、京セラ本社、北山ウエディングストリート、清水寺、嵐山、京都駅ビル、高台寺、同志社大学、TWINKLE JOYO(城陽市)、ノートルダム女子大学、植物園、鴨東幼稚園、平安女学院大学、などおすすめの場所について共有しました。



絵本の時間には、フィリピン出身のミカエラさんが、「The Mittten (てぶくろ)」という絵本を英語で読み聞かせました。雪の上に落ちていた手袋にネズミが住みこみま、そこへ、カエルやウサギやキツネが次つぎやってきて、とうとう手袋ははじけそう……。動物の表情がおもしろかったです。
